Review on Rail 4.3.0 Beta

Active Job, deliver later will give us a lot of abstraction. One will have to move the business logic present in workers to models or services, but that would make our system more maintainable. If the Active Job is a simple plug and play then in future projects one can use delayed_job when the load is light and when the load increases they can shift to redis based resque or sidekiq. Thinking of migrating from one system to another always give the developers a head ache. This can essentially solve it. Active Job was planned to be a feature in rails 4.0 but later they decided not. I am glad that they are releasing it in 4.2

Convert Short Urls to Long Urls

How to get a long/actual url from a short url?

Sometimes when we try to fetch short urls, using curl, we get a blank page as reply or a 301 ERROR. The reason being that there is no html file stored at that location,only a header with details ,on where the person who has opened the url would be redirected to.

So to get the actual url or long url from the short url, we just have to read the location stored in the html header.

When My Alarm Was Found to Be Not Working

Due to some unfortunate events

  1. Loosing my phone
  2. K-alarm crashing

I faced a common problem for many people “No alarm to wake me up in the morning”. Like every single man, I love sleeping. So unless an alarm or person wakes me up, I will continue to enjoy sleeping - until the urge from my second passion (hunger) wakes me up.

Despite the fact that I love sleeping, my team mates at Ruby Kitchen, won’t be happy with me coming late to work. Challenged with such a problem, I did what every computer hacker would do.

Wrote a program to wake me up, at 6:00 AM 😁